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Inherit the Earth


Meet Joe 

Roach Survival Founder, Retired Airman

Dad and Survival Instructor

Joe Hernandez is the founder and owner of Roach Survival. A dedicated self-disciplinarian, Joe divides his time between family, teaching survival and consulting for TV productions.

Joe and his wife Mallarie have been married for 16  years and have 3 kids.

From My Blog

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Start Your Journey

Adding on to the lessons learned in the Beginner Wilderness Survival course, this course is designed to give more instruction time to better learn the skills and more pra...
Intermediate Wilderness Survival


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“I ended up going on a survival training in the San Bernadino mountains for a story I was working on. Joe was one of the instructors and became my adventure buddy. He was so knowledgeable and thoughtful and fun to be around. He taught me not only about what skills you need to survive in the outdoors, but also what you can learn from the outdoors and how to apply that knowledge in every aspect of your life. Like Joe says, you have to be a biologist, you have to be a botanist, you have to be an engineer to survive in the woods. Learning from the resources around you about how to survive in nature is vital and fascinating, and Joe helped show me that.”

Hope McKenney

NPR Reporter, KQED


"Keeping it Real: Alternating between mental and physical challenges kept me and other racers, I talked to, thoroughly engaged throughout the 5 mile course. The highlight for many, including myself, was the experience in the War Torn Village. [Joe] brought in real vets from Merging Vets & Players to play the roles on course. Much like my own story, others expressed a sense of realness about the whole thing and i think that alone was worth coming out for the day." Review of Bear Grylls Survival Challenge, the OCR race Joe helped produce.

Kien Lam



"I first met Joe while training for Season 39 of the CBS show "Survivor". As an admitted indoor-cat-personality, Joe saw how much help I needed! We trained for months and he made me camp outside for the first time in my life! Because of Joe's help I went from a person with ZERO outdoor experience to a castaway that lived on a desert island and won 4th place for the hardest reality show ever produced! I believe I am capable of anything now and could have never done it without Joe!"

Lauren Ashley Beck

"Survivor" Season 39


Let’s Engage

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